10 Things to Know About Hurricane Insurance Claims in Louisiana

Hurricanes are the costliest natural disaster in Louisiana, which is why a property damage claim and other insurance claims are essential in the storm's aftermath. At Montiel Hodge, we are your number one choice for hurricane insurance lawyers - if you need assistance with hurricane insurance litigation, we are here for you.

 Any Louisiana hurricane damage attorney worth their salt will tell you these ten things about hurricane insurance claims:

  1. Flood insurance is not included in homeowners insurance.

Water coming up from the bottom is not covered in most homeowners insurance policies, so it’s crucial to have flood insurance if you are in a flood zone.

2. Start documenting right away.

After the storm ends, it’s in your best interest to begin documenting the damage and getting in touch with your insurance provider. Don’t clean up first. You can remove wet things from your home to prevent mold growth, but don’t throw anything away and do not begin permanent repairs.

3. Your hurricane deductible will be higher.

You can expect a hurricane deductible to run anywhere from 2-5% of your property value. You may find that wind damage insurance claims also come with a higher deductible.

4. Having a list of your home’s inventory is beneficial.

Before the hurricane, it will make the insurance claim process much easier if you have a record of your possessions. This way, you’ll be aware of what was lost/damaged and needs replacing.

5. Know the protocols for fallen trees.

If a tree from your yard falls and damages your neighbor’s property, they should file a claim - in most cases, their insurance will pay for the damages.

6. Be clear about your need for emergency services.

It’s imperative to let your insurance provider know if you need emergency services like flood water removal or fixing downed electrical wires. Your provider will often send a company out and reimburse you for the cost.

7. Insurance may pay for housing.

If you cannot live in your residence for an extended amount of time, your insurance may cover housing, food, and other living costs until you can get back under your own roof.

8. Use the help provided.

The aftermath of a hurricane can be a stressful, scary time. You’ll often find that insurance companies send consumer protection to disaster relief areas to help people with filing claims. If you need this assistance, don’t hesitate to utilize it.

9. This process takes time.

Many people are impacted by hurricane damage, so claims won’t get paid out in the blink of an eye.

10. Contact Montiel Hodge.

If you think your hurricane insurance claim has been handled improperly, reach out to us at Montiel Hodge if you’re looking for a roof damage lawyer, a hurricane insurance lawyer, or a property damage lawyer in Louisiana.


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